Sunday, March 28, 2010

French Elle celebrates curves!

A couple posts back, I wrote about how the fashion world is seeking change for the "skinny" image. This cover, from the April issue of French Elle, is a perfect example of how fashion is emerging and beginning to embrace all body types. It's Elle's first ever issue dedicated to plus size models and fashion. Hopefully it won't be the last!

Tara Lynn, a plus sized model/actress, is featured on the cover looking fabulous in a white Hermès jumpsuit. The issue includes a special edition 20-30 page spread devoted to plus size fashion. Lynn, along with three other models, including Johanna Dray, were the stars of the spread that was all about, "Aime Vraiment Les Rondes," which means "loving the round."

The "Spécial Rondes" also known as, The Curvy Issue, is dedicated to giving tips, tricks, fashionable brands and beauty secrets for women with curves.

Vogue Curvy is another great example of the new image that the fashion world is embracing. I recently did a post on the new website that was launched in February. With stars like America Ferrera and Jennifer Hudson being featured in the 'Curvy Icons' section, the website is devoted to creating a positive image for curvy women.

As the recent discussion of Health Matters: Weight and Wellness in the World of Fashion occured, more people in the fashion world are taking active steps in creating a more well rounded image for women. With more magazines and website devoting time and pages to women who aren't a size two, the fashion industry is turning a new leaf.

Women are able to see that you can look sexy and stylish, no matter what size you are.

It's quite exciting to see the representation of women changing in the world of fashion and magazines. Hopefully this is only the beginning of a more diverse image of women and fashion.

Stay Fabulous!


  1. It's about time! Being a 90 pound, skin and bones model is not the definition of beauty. Embrace your shape, your body and find what works for you!

  2. I totally agree! :) So glad to see this change occurring!
